Wednesday 3 February 2021

Naruto: All You need to Know About the Sentient Sword, Samehada

 Naruto needs no introduction as it is widely regarded as the best anime series ever made. Most fans would claim that its immersive storytelling, character development, and animation together make it a great show. Although such generalized statements are not wrong, they often neglect little details that make the series so impressive. One such detail when it comes to Naruto is weaponry. The shinobi, in the world of Naruto, can arm themselves and they have a huge variety of weapons at their disposal. For example, Sasuke uses the electric Kusanagi while Kisame Hoshigaki wields the bizarre chakra-eating sword, Samehada.

Naruto: All You need to Know About the Sentient Sword, Samehada

Although the world of ninjas is full of weapons that can be surprisingly strong like Shino Aburame’s chakra beetles, what distinguishes Samehada’s weapons from others is the fact that it is sentient. It’s in a league of its own, therefore every Naruto fan must understand it better.

Samehada – Origin, Powers & True Nature

When it comes to tracing the origins of Samehada there is a lot of uncertainty. One can’t be sure if it was created in one of Orochimaru’s laboratories? Or if it was a natural entity that later morphed into a sword-like shape? Although these questions still have no definite answer one thing is known that when it entered the ninja world Mizukage owned it and later passed it down to his successor.

At some point in time, Mangetsu Hozuki got Samehada, who kept it as his collection. Later Fuguki Suizakan of the Seven Swordsmen acquired it but Kisame killed him to obtain it. Samehada stayed with Kisame for a few years. The relationship between them as master and minion lasted until the Killer Bee got possession of Samehada after killing Kisame.

The most surprising thing about Samehada is the fact that it is sentient. It can think for itself and though it might have never spoken either telepathically or with its mouth it expresses its choices and preference through its actions. Kisame has learned over time to understand what Samehada might want. Interestingly, it had a massive appetite for chakra, and even if a shinobi summoned their biju cloak, the Samehada can easily ingest it. But it can’t stand the heat of fire chakra for some reason. Once it started eating it will grow rapidly and while facing an enemy like Killer Bee it will break free off its bandages to reveal its true size.

It is quite picky when it comes to the chakras that it wants to ingest. If someone is deemed unworthy of wielding it, their hands are impaled by spikes from its handles. During intense fights, it even lets the user fuse with it. When Kisame used to do it he would often assume a shark-like form. Samehada can even hold its owner inside it. This proved to be a lifesaver when Kisame had to infiltrate the Hidden Cloud Village for intel.

Samehada’s Use

After the failed assault on the Hidden Leaf Village by Orochimaru, Samehada made its first appearance at the same time as Kisame and Itachi Uchiha. Naruto and his mentor Jiraiya were cornered in a motel by Itachi and Kisame when they were out adventuring. Naruto tried to use the Kurama’s chakra, however; he was countered by Kisame who swung his Samehada to devour it instantly. Naruto was helpless as he realized that he cannot even do tiny Jutsu. Kisame boasted about Samehada’s ability to eat any chakra and render its opponents helpless. In one of the earliest battles, Kisame had used Samehada without revealing its chakra-eating ability when he shredded Asuma Sarutobi’s arm.

The biggest challenge that Samehada faced was its fight with the Killer Bee when its true power and nature were finally revealed. Bee tried using biju cloaks with the Ox’s chakra but all of them were rendered useless by the powerful sword as it devoured it to become stronger and grow to full size. Kisame later snuck into Hidden Cloud Village inside the Samehada and fused with it to reveal the enormous powers of the Chakra. The stolen chakras can also be used by Kisame to heal mortal wounds which came as a surprise for Might Guy and other leaf village ninjas. Kisame was undefeatable when he had Samehada by his side.

After the death of Kisame, Killer Bee acquired the Samehada and use it in the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Very few ninjas were able to prove themselves worthy of carrying the Samehada and no one could use it the way Kisame did.

Eva winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Bella has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites.

Source: Naruto: All You need to Know About the Sentient Sword, Samehada

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