Stumptown is a crime drama television series. It premiered on ABC on September 25, 2019. This TV series is based on a series of comic books of the same name. It is created by Greg Rucka, Justin Greenwood, and Matthew Southworth. The actress Cobie Smulders portrays the character of Dex Parios, who is one of the most highlighted characters in this series. As this series is a comic adaptation, various things have been taken directly from the pages of the comic books, but several other things have been changed in the TV series. Some of them are appreciated by the people, and some are being hated by them. In this article, we have listed some things that the TV series does better than the comics.
Grey McConnell
The actor Jake Johnson portrays the character of Grey McConnell in the television series Stumptown. He is shown as an ex-con and bar owner. The storyline of Dex and Jake is very important throughout the series. Ansel, who is the brother of Dex, also works in Jake’s bar. However, in the comics, Grey is a musician and works at a health food store. Grey is one of the best characters on the show and does a better job than in the comics.
Every main character on the show is haunted by the past, which gets revealed slowly during the series. From Grey and Dex to even Sue Lynn Blackbird, a casino owner, every character is haunted by this revealed past. The mysterious backstory of every character unfolds in each episode. In the series, Dex is dealing with her PTSD, and Grey is dealing with the threat of his dangerous acquaintances. On the other hand, in the comics, the backstories of the characters are considered insubstantial, just like a folded mystery that will be solved one day. In this way, the show better explains the backstory of each character.
The series Stumptown includes various funny scenes, whether one-liners delivered by Cobie Smulders or Jake Johnson acting brilliantly. The show includes some humorous moments that keep things light, even in the dark locations throughout the show. The show also has some cultural references that cannot be seen in the comics. The comic books cannot depict the humorous part of the series in a better way than the TV show does.
Stumptown is one of the best TV shows based on a comic that also has a great soundtrack. However, it is rare to see a TV show based on a comic having an excellent soundtrack, but Stumptown is exceptionally a fantastic show. Various excellent tracks are played during every episode of the television series Stumptown. The show must have a huge soundtrack budget.
In this article, we have concluded that all of the above-discussed things are brilliantly depicted in the TV show compared to the comic books.
Eva winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Bella has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites.
SOURCE: Stumptown: 4 Things The TV Show Does Better Than The Comics
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