OnePlus has brought new updates related to the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro. Earlier, a few days back, OnePlus came up with the updates for OnePlus 8T. The update is about the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro being upgraded to OxygenOS This update adds several security patches and fixes the bugs that were coming in these phones. The update file size is 273 MB. OnePlus users have to download and install the updates to experience the respective OnePlus smartphones’ hassle-free usage.
What has been fixed?
- Optimization of apps’ split-screen experience.
- Power consumption optimization to enhance battery life.
- Bugs related to expanding the screenshot due to applications stopped working.
- Bugs related to deletion of cache after uninstalling the apps.
- Bugs related to screen-flash during fingerprint unlock.
- Issue of non-activation of Horizon light.
- Issues about NFC not turning on.
- Bugs related to Parallel apps not turning on.
- Issues about the fan of the Warp Charge 30 Wireless Charger may not work.
- Issue of Play Store unable to install the app.
- Updated Android security patch to 2020.11
- Bugs related to network communication stabilization.
- Bugs related to network interruption in some apps.
But, there are still left-overs remaining that OnePlus needs to look at and bring more updates.
What is not fixed in the update?
One of the issues that the user may see is the size of the clock notification. The OnePlus smartphone users are witnessing a reduction in the clock notification. It got raised in the OnePlus forum. It may be because of the mishap that may have happened in the software part of the AOD style. But, one can say that it is a mere problem. Apart from this, many are talking about the camera issues that have not been fixed. The bug fixing is all because of the changes made in OxygenOS
About OxygenOS
OxygenOS is an upgraded patch for the OnePlus’ OxygenOS 11. It is one of the first smartphones that provides the cutting edge Android 11 operating system. OxygenOS 11 comes with compact and intuitive styles and features to enhance the smartphone experience. OxygenOS 11 renders a better improved dark theme with an automatic color tone control, dynamic contrast change, and distinctive colors. Due to larger screens, there is an increment in unused white space. The refreshed UI layout addresses this issue by optimizing the stock Android experience. OxygenOS 11 re-aligns the touch controls closer to the user’s thumbs while prioritizing important information for easy viewing. OnePlus is still working towards the Canvas AOD that can provide an artistic and personal lock screen experience. Smart editing and curation of video content in the OxygenOS 11 build the vibe of good times. Some of the upcoming features of OxygenOS 11 are:
- Voice Note (in other languages as it supports English and Mandarin Chinese)
- Straighten Doc
The OnePlus’ forum saw a flood of comments after launching their OnePlus 8 and the OnePlus 8 Pro smartphones. The users were consistently talking about the issues. But, with the updates, OnePlus has satisfied a great bunch of their customer base. However, the users will look at the release of new updates that will add the discussed upcoming features and bugs related to the camera and AOD.
Eva winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Bella has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites.
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