A year after announcing the 5G laptop, Lenovo has started selling the Flex 5G laptop, which is available through Verizon. It offers many more specs as compared to the base models like the MacBook Air and Dell XPS 13. You might feel that it is a little expensive because it supports 5G with a long battery life, which is one of its ethical aspects. It has Snapdragon 8cx chips that are also used in most of the popular and powered laptops.
Some More About Design
In comparison with other notebooks and laptops, the Lenovo is dense and thick-bodied. But it is not as good as the design of the HP laptop and Galaxy Book Flex. It is much more prominent in size but looks prettier.
Info About Overall Product
It has an incredible battery life and offers strong internet connectivity. It is an expensive product, especially when the company needs to work a lot on its ARM.
It has limited competition because it supports mmWave 5G. Plus, Snapdragon 8cx chips make it one of the best 5G laptops available in the market. Surface Pro X is considered the most common rival of this laptop with a similar CPU, but it offers LTE in place of 5G support.
Actual Look Of The Lenovo Flex 5G
The Flex 5G offers a 14-inch screen, whereas the Surface Pro X and its other competitors are competing with the 13-inch versions. Bigger size means more ports and buttons. But the antenna of the Flex 5G takes more than the required space. So, the company needs to work in this area.
You might appreciate the physical switch for enabling the Airplane mode, which is a great accessible feature.
Audio And Display Of Flex 5G
As mentioned earlier, it offers 14-inches full high definition display, which is a decent display feature. It is not a brilliant display but can give enough resolution to watch videos without any issue. But when you see the Surface Pro X, then you might know that it has a sharper resolution.
The display was adequate indoors, but when you use it in direct sunlight, you might face some issues.
There is room for changes in the sound. Lenovo has to work more on its bass. The same problem is with Surface Pro X, which is a common issue in both the devices.
What About Trackpad And Keyboard?
If you compare this laptop with other notepads by Lenovo, then you might find that Flex 5G has a better keyboard. If you are already working on a 13-inch laptop, you might find it better than your current laptop.
The trackpad of the Flex 5G is similar to their past products. The cursor movement isn’t very smooth. But you will not face any issue with finger gestures, switching apps, and many more.
You might find that the Snapdragon 8cx CPU is one of the most interesting features of this laptop that can keep this app running. It works similarly to the Surface Pro X processor, but the real differences are still unclear.
These are small issues, but the real issue is with the Windows on ARM. It is because the laptop has incomplete or confusing compatibility. Microsoft and Qualcomm are working on ways to improve the performance of Windows on ARM. If you use Chrome as the default browser, you might feel more stability in the overall battery life.
Battery Life Of Flex 5G
It’s good news that Flex 5G doesn’t compromise on the battery part. You might love its battery backup. It claims that you can use it for a whole day.
If you do the battery test, it offers an impressive 16 hours battery life that can beat every laptop in this league. The Dell XPS 13 has a runtime of around 15 hours, which is also a good product.
The Flex 5G will be known for its two characters, long battery life, and amazing cellular speed. Due to the compatibility issues, you might not be able to run the apps that you want, so the choice is up to you.
Eva Winget is an avid technical blogger, a magazine, a publisher of guides at wow-directory and a professional cyber security analyst.Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.
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