Friday 10 July 2020

Former Luminosity Fortnite Gamers Announce One Percent Organization

So this is finally confirmed that in Fortnite Luminosity Gaming members are leaving the organization to create their own. At the end of June, it was confirmed that this was going to happen. Household names like Kushelevskiy and Kiwiz and Alex “Formula” who have millions of followers on social media are also included in the same incident. The actual reason to leave LG is not revealed yet, but it really seems like they just want to make an organization of their own. All this news was circulated when they revealed a new team name, “One Percent.”
One Percent Organization Officially Announced
Anticipation for the new team was quite gigantic, and team members revealed all this a while ago. In the organization One Percent, there are currently six former Fortnite members of Luminosity Gaming. They all have a great fan-base and are quite popular in the world of gaming and social media.
Along with the organization’s creation, the members have created and revealed a new YouTube channel. In the channel, they have shown a video of their new team member’s house. The house they have shown in the video is a multi-million dollar mansion. The members also stated that they have purchased it by themselves without taking any help from outside. The reports also revealed that their organization has yet to build a deal with any sponsors. Their first introduction video is quite impressive. Their fans are quite happy with their decision and cheering them up.
Their house is no less than an achievement. It is clearly shown that they are doing quite well by playing the games; however, they all have been in the gaming industry for a long time. One Percent team also launched an apparel store, but currently, delivery is not happening. The apparel store products will be available for only three days.
They are all Fortnite members, and in terms of eSports, every member will continue to play as before. There will be no changes happening for the game. Now they will represent themselves from One Percent instead of Luminosity. All six members of the team are the following:
  • Formula
  • Kiwiz
  • Nicks
  • Razz
  • Aeolus
  • Randumb
Almost every Fortnite player knows about them, and that was the most beneficial thing for them while creating their own organization. They will upload more videos on their YouTube channel, so if you are a fan of them, you should search them on YouTube. Right now, on YouTube, you will only find the introduction video, but in the future, you will see a lot of gameplay and live stream on their channel.
Eva Winget is an avid technical blogger, a magazine, a publisher of guides at yeellp directory and a professional cyber security analyst.. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.

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