Wednesday 22 July 2020

Google’s holographic-glasses and smart tattoos experiments

Search giant trying different things with holographic glasses and smart tattoos.
A pair of sunglasses for holographic icons projection, A smartwatch with a digital screen but analog hands, A temporary tattoo that transforms your body into a living touchpad while applied to your skin, a virtual reality controller to lets you take objects in digital worlds so that you could feeling weight while swinging them around, these are some smart projects that Google has quietly been funding or creating, as per demo videos and white papers with an end goal to make the up and coming age of wearable innovation gadgets.
The smartwatch and eyewear projects originate from the search giant’s Interaction Lab with the initiative goal at physical and intertwining digital experiences. Being the part of Google Research, it has an arm of the search giant with establishes in academia where also technical breakthroughs are in focus.
In 2015, according to the lab’s leader to the resume of Alex Olwal, inside Google’s hardware division The Interaction Lab was made before, it was spun out to join the organization’s examination arm around two years back. A senior Google researcher, Olwal, worked at X previously which is the company’s self- depicted moonshot factory, and, Google’s experimental hardware branch is ATAP.
Olwal says that the Interaction Lab’s objective is to grow Google’s capacities for fast hardware prototyping of wearable ideas and interface innovation.
. Its drives give off an impression of being more science experiment than product roadmap having with the reasonable objective of proving ideas instead of contending with the Apple Watch or Snapchat Spectacles, though taken together, they give a brief look at Google’s aspirations for wearable tech.
The other projects were joint efforts with researchers from universities globally. Google Faculty Research Awards partly funded, at least two of them, smart tattoos and the VR controller that support scholarly business related to computer science and engineering. the academic community binds the efforts highlight. In this case, an extension to the company’s starting as a Stanford University grad school project including co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed into a worldwide behemoth with profound guides into our lives.
Eva Winget is an avid technical blogger, a magazine, a publisher of guides at blogs-post and a professional cyber security analyst.Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.

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