A few weeks away when WhatsApp announced changes in their privacy policy, the growing privacy concerns led to widespread confusion. Rumors spread like wildfire and millions of users left the messaging app and looked for new options. Signal gained most from the controversy as millions of people flocked to the end-to-end encrypted messaging service that runs on donations.
WhatsApp realized that its users were quitting the app based on some of the policy decisions that it has taken. In order to get things in control, the messaging app has now decided to delay the new privacy policy for three-months. The biggest concern that most users had was the sharing of private data of the users with Facebook, which according to WhatsApp is just a rumor. WhatsApp has clarified that its privacy policy changes only address business chats and they don’t in any way intend to put private data in danger.
WhatsApp does not share anyone’s private messages or listen to their phone calls. The end-to-end encryption of the app ensures that the private data is always safe but the rumors have made people believe that Facebook will get access to all the data including messages, which is not true. When the recent privacy policy was made public users were told that their accounts will be permanently deleted if they chose not to agree to the new terms. This condition, in particular, made rumors sound real and users panicked. The mass confusion soon spread all over the world and millions of people joined Signal, Telegram, or other safer messaging services.
In a blog post released by the company recently, WhatsApp clarified which data was protected and not shared with someone else. Although WhatsApp has tried to get things in control it seems to have little effect. Facebook’s past controversies and Zuckerberg’s untrustworthy public image have only added fuel to fire.
The three-month-long delay is going to help the messaging app communicate changes to its policy with the users. It’s going to be crucial months for the company as it will decide the future of messaging apps. Will we see millions shift from WhatsApp to other messaging services amid growing privacy concerns? Or will WhatsApp somehow get through the tough time and gain public trust again in the three-month privacy policy delay? Whatever happens, the world is open to some paradigm-shifting changes and we must be ready to embrace them as they will shape the world in the coming decades.
Eva winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Bella has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites.
Source: WhatsApp: Delay in New Privacy Policy as Amid Growing Concerns
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