Two weeks ago, when WhatsApp updated its Privacy policy rumors spread that it will share the personal information of its users with Facebook. Even though the company has clarified that is not the case, the growing privacy concern is so rooted in the psyche of a normal man now that most people started flocking to other end-to-end encrypted messaging apps. Signal gained the most from the controversy and has seen the greatest spike in its users ever since it was founded. It is expected that the messaging app will likely add tens of millions of users in the coming months. Its co-founder Brian Acton, has even stated publicly that he is hoping to get a few hundred million users on Signal.
Most messaging and video telephony apps have realized the importance of protecting user privacy. There has been a growing emphasis on making communication safe and secure now. Ring has also understood the shift in consumer preference and has started support for end-to-end encryption to its cameras. The new feature will ensure that the video streams are encrypted from the camera to the device that is being streamed in, ensuring that it won’t be accessible to anyone in between. The feature was announced back in September and there have been eight doorbells, indoor and outdoor cameras that have incorporated this technology.
The company wants to ensure that users have an advanced layer of security. Ring is way ahead of most companies of its type as it has been quick to see the shift in consumer demands and adapted to it. All the footage on Ring servers is therefore encrypted and there is no way of accessing anyone’s private data. Interestingly, Ring has made one exception, if the law enforcement wants the footage or has a search warrant for it, the company would hand it over. However, one needs not to worry as that is the only exceptional case in which personal footage can be handed over to someone else.
End-to-End encryption ensures that there is an added layer of protection for privacy-conscious users and removes any visibility that Ring might have into your footage. It adds a bit of complication as one needs to download and manually re-upload videos to access them. One can stream all the videos on a device that has the Ring app. In the coming years, Ring has a grand vision as they want to add more features and expand access to everyone. However, the users will have the final say and if they don’t want to use the feature they can choose not to. It seems that in coming years we are going to see technology dedicated to ensuring that user information is secure. The companies who respect and value their users and their privacy will shine in the future.
Eva winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Bella has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites.
Source: Ring Now Has End-to-End Encryption to Protect Its Users
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