Space Force is an American comedy series that is created by Steve Carell and Greg Daniels, premiered in May 2020. Space Force has only one season out; however, the audience has had a great time watching it, and the show has received a great response.
There’s big news for the watchers of the show. As per the reports, Netflix has renewed the show for its next season after looking at all the appreciation and positive reviews. Though there isn’t an official release date yet, Steve Carell talked about various plot ideas going on in his mind. He also mentioned that it’d take some time for the next season to arrive as everything has to be done patiently.
Not only this, but we’re also assuming that the next season can take longer than the usual time because of the ongoing pandemic situations. As you all know, the Entertainment industry has faced a lot of production losses due to the crisis. Therefore, the arrival of the next season cannot be predicted.
The cast of the show includes Steve Carell, John Malkovich, Lisa Kudrow, Diana Silvers, Ben Schwarts, Tawny Newsome, Don Lake, Jimmy O Yang, Noah Emmerich, Alex Sparrow, and Jessica St Clair. There are other appearances as well that appear in and out.
The season one of the series revolves around six people who are assigned a project to set up a Space Force for the United States. The project was assigned by the President of the U.S. to create a sense of dominance in outer space. However, we see that the Chinese destroyed the U.S. satellite in the debut season.
The first season also presents a clash between the US-Chinese due to which the President decides to destroy the Chinese bases. Thus, one of the supporters who plays the role of the Head of the Space Force is assigned the job, but later he backs off. He decides not to harm the Chinese and heads toward disassembling all the guns. Therefore, he faces a rough patch as he gets replaced with General Kick Grabaston.
Although General Naird, ex-head, was held captive, he managed to escape. Season one ended on a note when the Chinese bases were destroyed; however, it is later discovered that the US bases got destroyed as well.
Season two can open up from the cliffhanger as where the General Naird disappears. Not only this, but it’ll be interesting to know if he becomes a part of the Space Force once again or not.
Sadly, due to no announcement regarding the release date of the next season, there is still time for the trailer to drop. Therefore, if you want to re-watch the debut season, you can watch the same on Netflix.
Eva Winget is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2006. As a technical expert, Eva has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites
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